
The Cardiopulmonary department provides accurate diagnostic and therapeutic services to patients with disorders of the cardiac and pulmonary systems. We treat patients of all ages and needs, tailoring the procedure and education to meet the needs of each patient. Cardiopulmonary services are provided by highly trained and credentialed specialists in the field of Cardiopulmonary and therapeutic procedures, for the well-being of our community.

List of Services:

Respiratory Therapy
Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics 

Cardiac Rehabilitation
Cardiac Rehabilitation is a professionally supervised program to help people recover from heart attacks, heart surgery and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures such as stinting and angioplasty.  CCH Cardiac Rehabilitation program provides education and counseling services to help heart patients increase physical fitness, reduce cardiac symptoms, improve health and reduce the risk of future heart problems, including heart attacks.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a program of exercise, education, and support to help you learn to breathe and function at the highest level possible.  At pulmonary rehabilitation you’ll work with a team of therapists who will help you improve your physical condition.  You will also learn how to manage your COPD so you will stay healthy and active long after you complete the course.