
Quality Indicators

Because there are a number of areas to measure hospital care, we want to share with our patients and their families the most accurate and timely information available for Cheyenne County Hospital.

For CMS there are three main measures:  pneumonia, heart attack and heart failure. You will find information on how Cheyenne County Hospital compares nationally to other hospitals in these areas on www.hospitalcompare.hhs.gov

 In some cases we do not have enough volume to compare. Note: the information on these sites may be greater than 6 months old.


Pneumonia is a serious lung infection that causes difficulty breathing, fever, cough and fatigue.

These quality measures show some of the recommended treatments for pneumonia.

Antibiotics are medicines that treat infection, and each one is different.
Hospitals should choose the antibiotics that best treat the infection type for each pneumonia patient.

A pneumonia (pneumococcal) vaccination can help prevent pneumonia in the future, even for patients who have been hospitalized for pneumonia.

Smoking Cessation counseling is essential to prevention of pneumonia and decreasing the risk of other healthcare issues.  High Point Regional Hospital is committed to providing our patients a smoke free environment.

Heart Attack

A heart attack (also called an AMI or acute myocardial infarction) happens when the arteries leading to the heart become blocked and the blood supply is slowed or stopped. The quality measures below show some of the standards of care provided, if appropriate, to someone who has a heart attack.

Aspirin can help keep blood clots from forming and dissolve blood clots that can cause heart attacks.  

ARB’s or ACEI are drugs that treat left ventricular dysfunction are critical to prevent recurrence of a heart attack or continued heart damage.

Beta blockers are a type of medicine used to lower blood pressure, treat chest pain (angina) and heart failure, and to help prevent a heart attack

Heart Failure

Heart failure is a weakening of the heart's pumping power. With heart failure, your body doesn't get enough oxygen and nutrients to meet its needs. These quality measures show some of the standards of care provided, if appropriate, to someone who has heart failure.

Smoking is linked to heart failure. Quitting may help improve your condition.

Evaluation of Left Ventricular Systolic Function (LVS) determines how well the heart can pump oxygen and nutrients to other parts of the body.


30-Day Readmission is when patients who have had a recent hospital stay need to go back into a hospital again within 30 days of their discharge. The rates of readmission for each hospital are compared to the U.S. National Rate. The rates take into account how sick patients were before they were admitted to the hospital.

Other measures we report including the Kansas Hospital Engagement Network KHEN:

  • HCP/OP 27: Infuenza vaccincation coverage among Healthcare Personnel
  • IMM-2: Infuenza Immunization
  • OP-1: Median time to Fibrinolysis
  • OP-2: Fibrinolytic Therapy Received within 30 minutes
  • OP-3: Median Time to Transfer to another facility for Acute Coronary Intervention
  • OP-5: Median time ECG
  • OP-20: Dor to diagnostic evaluation by a qualified medical professional
  • OP-21: Median time to pain management for long bone fracture
  • OP-22: Patient left without being seen
  • Adverse Drug events due to Opioids/Nalazone adminstration
  • Adverse Drug Event-Hypoglycemia in inpatients receiving Insulin
  • Adverse Drug Event-Excessive Anticoagulation
  • Urinary Catheter Utilization Ratio
  • Central Line Utilization Ratio

Healthcare Associated Infection Measures
  • CLABSI-Central-line associated bloodstream infection
  • CAUTI-Catheter Associated Urinary tract infection
  • Return ER visits within 72 hours with same/similiar diagnosis
  • Heart failure patients: Readmissions within 30 days (all cause)
  • Falls with or without injury
  • Fall risk assessment completed within 24 hours of admission

You will find information on how Cheyenne County Hospital compares nationally to other hospitals in these areas on www.hospitalcompare.hhs.gov